1, 2, & 3 Point Perspective

These are 1, 2, & 3 Point Perspective drawing practice. It is important to be able to see how many points and how perspective is in a picture or the world to accurately convey it on paper. This was a great exercise to make you look at landscapes and other items differently.

Working with Shape & Mass -Light & Dark Value


I chose to work in Light and Dar values again by tonig this paper with medium compressed charcoal and smoothing before beginning. This is a photo of John Bell of Widespread Panic playing at The Tabernacle in Atlanta, Georgia on the Special Wood Tour (aka All Acousitc) – Photo Credit: Tarver Shelton – I again used erasers to draw by taking away the dark and adding back the light. Then I would add in the darker tones and values. This took quite a while. I really enjoy this technique.

Light & Dark Volume


This is my Light and Dark Value. First, I took compressed charcoal and toned the paper to a medium dark and smoothed it with a cloth. I removed the excess charcoal and made sure I had a smooth and even paper to start on. Then I began erasing all the light with erasers. It is very interesting drawing with erasers. I followed up by adding in darks and other shadows with dark charcoal and varying mediums of charcoal and different erasers. I really enjoyed this project and this as my first time drawing with erasers. I am sure I will do this again.

Negative Space


This is practicing with negative space, or the space that surrounds an object, but not the object itself. This is of a folding chair for the outdoors. It was a tough assignment for me, but very important. It is important to know the space surrounding what you are drawing. I think I will enjoy this exercise when I try it again.

Contour Lines – Mass & Volume


Here I practiced drwaing contour lines of objects with mass to show shape and volume. This was an interesting exercise to look at things as shapes and lines, instead of what the actual object is. It does help you see shapes and mass more clearly than before. I think this was an important assignment for me, as I am not used to lookinng at things this way.

Shading & Texture


This is my shading and texture practice with a paper bag. I crushed and twisted it and pulled it back up to sit properly before drawing. This was a great practice in shading and seeing textures differently. It really trains your eye. This was a great lesson in shading values.

Pop Can


Here is my Pop Can assignment. I took a Root Beer can and crushed and twisted, then pulled it back out some to create ripples and texture. This allowed to practice drawing a surface such as a soda can, while learning to draw the twists and turns from being crushed. This was very effective in working with shading and texture.

Texture Studies


This is my twelve panel study of textures. This was a very interesting and it was fun trying to find many different textures and items to draw close up. I used a leather bag, a lamp, carpet, wood, a shoe freshener, a woven vase, and some pottery to name off some of what you see. It is intersting how up close, you can’t always tell what someone is drawing.

Shapes Composition Chosen From Sketches


This is my finished composition of shapes, with mass and volume. I chose a wine bottle that was made into a candle, my guitar fuzz pedal in the box, my Jam-Man Looper Pedal, and my Fast-Fret for my guitar’s fret board. I was looking for cube and spherical type shapes. This was good practive on shading different values, as well.

Squares, Cubes, Rectangles, Circles, Spheres, and Compositions

Here I created a few sketches of different shapes with mass and volume to decide the best one for the composition I would be setting up. Drawing different shapes from different angles really helps you learn to see your drawing and the shapes you are making from it better. Shading, shadows, and texture are also important. Sketching from different angles allows you to see which view really looks better on paper.
