John Bell Charcoal/Erasers

CopyRight of Charity Dees




    1. This is an original piece of art done by me. Diane Mitchell filed a Fake copyright Complaint for Tarver Shelton who took a picture that is similar but was also in a magazine. I Just want to say I have been trying to file a copyright complaint against them as they have hacked all my accounts and committed ID Fraud, theft, harrasssing communications- just to name a few. They have been in my account and changed the settings to Global variants that allow them to access these as well as my FEDERAL school account as well as bank fraud. This is not the first time Mr. Shelton has been in trouble for similar crimes- including forgery. I know he has also done some #shadygrovebs of #alabama to others and is not stable. Apparently, his new girlfriend is not quite right in the head either has been creating fake bills and rerouting my mail illegally through AWS Elastic Cloud, which UPS #confirmed. I have a Detective on it after all I showed them and will be pressing charges as this has been ongoing for oner a year and honestly #JamsPlusMedia corrupted my old Toshiba laptop in 2013. Insider trading is illegal @WKRG


    1. I will also be filing another Stalking order and Protective order in superior court. I have been in a mitre attack for quite some time and even my parents in North Carolina were victims. This gets worse as the Data transfers will include GDRP, Jams, and Civil. All accounts, phones, and apps hacked. The have Geofenced me before. All because #AT&T failed to do what was instructed by a standing superior court order. They confirmed with me that #TarverShelton aka still had full control over my phone.


    1. Welp, then let is get to @GoDaddy


    1. who hosted my domains

This is ANOTHER notice to you Both- and all others I have not YET named to anyone-
I do not want to get anywhere with you any your friends. They seem rather shady #fact and stalking people through cameras, phones, TV, drones, and developer tools it just quite a pitiful move.

  • Diane Elizabeth Mitchell Murphy



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